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Getting Ready for 2017

The crowds have departed after the celebration, and the street crews are working to clean up the confetti. Elsewhere people are waking up and getting ready for their day, some bright-eyed and alert, others still shaking off the effects of last night’s New Year’s Eve party. 

It’s the first day of 2017!  Are you ready for it?

The best preparation for the new year starts with the old one. Take a look at your books from last year.  How did the previous year start? What did you do that worked? What are some things you might need to improve on? Set goals and figure out what it will take to achieve them. What will it take for your business to get off to a great start?  Momentum can be a powerful tool. Get busy early in the year and it will help you stay productive all year.

Now that you can more clearly see the path in front of you, take the time to renew yourself so you can travel it. Clearing your mind and heart of weight helps give you energy and allows you to focus on the path ahead.

You’ll need the right tools to help you on your journey, so now is a great time to look over the products and services your business offers. Are there things that no longer serve a purpose?  What about offering something new and different? It’s your business after all, your chance to focus on what you love to do.  

Planning ahead and committing to a schedule will help you stay on the path you’ve set for yourself. Review your work habits and see where you can find ways to be more productive. Look over the available productivity tools and see if there’s one out there that can help.  

There a good chance you haven’t been walking this path alone. Along the way you may have garnered support from family and friends, taken on employees and worked with suppliers and distributors. Show gratitude to the people that count. Any successes from the past 12 months can be used to express your appreciation to those who’ve helped you along the way, which in turn can lead to greater sales and growth.

Did you hit your target last year?  Reach a milestone in sales or develop a new product?  Remind both yourself and the people around you about last year’s accomplishments and then celebrate them with commemorative events or promotions.  

Finally, don’t forget that you’re on a journey not a forced march.  As the year turns, reward yourself with a break so you can face the new year with energy and commitment.

2017 is here.  Take some time to focus on the important things and make it your best year ever!