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Happy New Year Challenge

Happy New Year Challenge

In just a few days, it will be time to watch the ball drop. Will you be in Times Square this year? I’ve heard it’s exciting and chaotic with the crowds. I’m generally a homebody when it comes to New Year’s Eve, preferring to watch the ball drop on TV and eat Chinese food washed down with a glass of champagne.

The next day I’m always inspired to think about the coming year and what it might bring or, rather, what I can make happen. The challenge of the future inspires my creative thinking process and gets my juices flowing.

How about you? What gets you motivated for the New Year?

I’m not talking about the tired topic of resolutions. What tickles your brain or your heart when you think about the exciting year ahead?

Here’s the challenge — Share what motivates you for the New Year and what you see happening in your life or business in 2017 - just leave a comment below or give us a share on social media.

Thanks and Happy New Year!