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Infusionsoft’s Campaign of the Month Program

Spring is here, and no doubt you are itching to get out and enjoy those nice warm days. Whether you want to catch a baseball game, work in the garden, or visit a local festival, it can be hard to justify taking some time off when you know you haven’t done your marketing.

Lucky for you, Infusionsoft has you covered with some simple campaigns, designed especially for small businesses.

Infusionsoft’s Campaigns of the Month posts feature great, easy-to-use campaigns (and some have video instructions as well), so you can launch these marketing campaigns and boost your business with a minimal amount of time and effort.

Here are some of the prior campaigns offered:

Appointment Reminders.  Send an immediate confirmation email, along with reminders, to your customers. The recipient can also cancel or reschedule the appointment, which prevents wasted time from no-shows.

Social Review Promotion.  A simple way to boost your social presence, this email campaign invites your customers to review you on the social network of your choice.

Convert Free Trials to Membership.  This campaign contains a 7-day free trial with opportunities for people to purchase a full membership.

Refer a Friend.  Send emails to existing customers asking for a referral. Once they fill out the web form with their friend’s name and phone number, it automatically creates a task for someone to call and follow up with the new lead. 

Long Term Prospect Nurture.  Have a customer who’s interested in your product, but not ready to commit? This campaign sends them educational resources about your services and products. After receiving the first resource, a prospect can choose to receive resources monthly or bi-monthly. Each time they receive a resource, they can click on a link indicating they are ready to talk; this creates a task for someone to follow up.

Simple Lead Capture for Sales Teams.  This campaign contains a pre-built form asking for first name and email address that can be installed on your website in minutes, creating an opportunity for your sales reps to follow up with these incoming leads.

Easy Hiring.  While not a marketing tool, this campaign acts like your virtual assistant and protects your time by automatically collecting applications while also following up with applicants to ensure timely submission.

You’ll see notification of the Campaigns of the Month in your monthly e-newsletter from Infusionsoft. To download the campaign into your app, login and go into Campaign Builder. You’ll see the button for the Marketplace there.

Infusionsoft’s Campaigns of the Month might not plan your whole summer vacation for you, but they can certainly save you enough time to take one.