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Paying It Forward

You may or may not have seen the 2000 movie Pay It Forward, which chronicles a boy's plan to do good deeds for three people. Rather than paying him back for his actions, the recipients are to pass on his kindness to three other people in hopes that there will eventually be a worldwide network of good deed doers. It was a somewhat sappy movie, but the idea did catch on.

So why not try to make the world a better place? After all, we have to live in it, too. It doesn’t even have to cost you anything. While monetary acts of kindness are always appreciated, there are many things you can do for others that are completely free, other than a small expenditure of your time. Here are some ways you can help someone out today:

  • Pay someone a compliment. It takes practically no time or effort to reach out to a friend or stranger and say something nice.
  • If you're bringing home a doggy bag from a restaurant, gift it to a friend or neighbor.
  • Do a load of laundry for a roommate or family member.
  • Getting gas? Clean someone's windshield while you're at the pump.
  • Help others when you see they need it—hold a door, hold the elevator, offer to carry a bag, etc.
  • Take your elderly neighbor's trash to the curb or mow the lawn for them.
  • Offer your free babysitting services to a young mom once in a while.
  • Cut/print pet food coupons and give to a pet lover.
  • Donate your used books and magazines to local waiting rooms, laundromats, etc.
  • Let someone in line in front of you.
  • Offer to be the designated driver.
  • Thank people who do things for you—your mail carrier, your food server, your teacher, etc.
  • Share your umbrella on rainy days.
  • Start a collection drive for a charity. Food, clothing, books—even pop can tabs could help someone.
  • If you've taken a good photo of someone, make sure you share it with them.
  • Leave an anonymous note somewhere to encourage someone. Check out Operation Beautiful for ideas.

Your act of kindness could make someone's day, or maybe even change someone's life. At the very least it may change yours. 

“Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end."  ~ Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert