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Planning Your Summer Marketing

When you’re planning out your mid-year marketing, it’s important to remember summer will be back even though it might not feel like it at the moment. More importantly, it’s a chance to remind your customers of it, too. Winter is a harsh time when customers aren’t inclined to open their wallet. Summer brings good memories of sun and fun, and when people are feeling relaxed and comfortable, they’re a lot more inclined to make purchases.

It’s that mindset you want to get them into with your marketing. To do this, look for ways to incorporate summer themes into your marketing.

From your e-mail campaign to your blog posts, to your presence on social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, let the sun shine in. Conjure up images of tropical beaches or breathtaking summer vistas from the mountains, and while you’re at it, sprinkle in some summer specials and discounts. After all, the only thing nicer than a beautiful summer day is saving money on a beautiful summer day. 

Don’t forget to include some useful content as well. What are people doing in the summer in addition to their work? They’re grilling and knocking back a few cold ones on Memorial Day; they’re painting the town red, white and blue for the 4th of July. They’re outside hiking, biking, playing golf or just sitting back enjoying the summer breeze. Let your content reflect what your customers are doing.

Summertime also provides opportunities for increased visibility. With warmer weather comes the return of festivals, fairs and outdoor markets. Look around your area to see what’s going.  Chances are there is a festival of some sort nearby. Make sure you’re there. The festival organizers have already put in the time to promote the event, saving you time and resources, so there’s no reason not to get out of the office.

And since people are out and about, why not take advantage by giving away some low-cost freebies? Summertime wouldn’t be complete without beach balls, visors, drink coolers and more. Since you know your customers are going to be using them, why not make sure they see your logo every time they do. It’s cheap advertising that keeps on giving all summer.

Summer is a time for fun and sun, so let the sun shine through in your marketing and show your customers the fun side of your business.