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How are your Q4 goals?

It is just about the middle of November as I look my office window at the turning and falling leaves realizing that the first half of the second month of the last quarter of 2013 is just about history and that got me to thinking: how have I been doing on my Q4 plan?

How are you doing on your Q4 plan?

The first question is “Did you make a Q4 plan?” That is, did you sit down and look at your 2013 goals and see how you measure up to those goals?

Did you find areas where you need to work to meet those goals before the end of the year and write down a set of actions that you can take to make those goals a reality?

We are one-third of the way through Q4. Are you 1/3 of the way towards taking the actions needed to make 2013 a great year? In Q2 we made some pretty ambitious Q4 goals for our business, some of which we weren’t on target to make, so we put some plans in place to catch-up. We are continually tweaking our plans (making mid-course corrections, if you will) to continue to drive to the end line we have established for ourselves.

Making your goals reality

Why is one-third important? Well it isn’t, really. What IS important is the continual monitoring of personal, professional and business goals and always finding ways to turn them into reality. While I applaud you for taking the time to reflect and finish the year strong by setting up Q4 goals, it does no good if you put them in a drawer and look at them again on New Year’s Eve. It has then become a historical document that is of little use.

After you finish this, go to your Q4 goals (or whatever goals you have) and honestly measure how you are doing toward those goals. Then make a plan to reach those that you have not attained. Remember, I am talking about goals in all aspects of your life, not just your business or how much money you are going to make. Be sure to think about your goals in areas like:

  • Physical
  • Family
  • Professional
  • Self-development
  • Financial
  • Community
  • Personal appearance
  • Hobbies (free time)
  • Stress management
  • Creativity
  • Personal relationships
  • Spirituality

Feel free to add other that are important to your success and well-being. Remember, one goal should be a well-rounded life and a well-rounded self, so consider all areas of your life.

This is our opportunity to “Finish like a pro!

About the Author

Dom Cassone

Dom Cassone

Dom Cassone is an entrepreneur through and through. With 30+ years of experience in solutions-oriented business consulting, he’s the brains behind JoomFuse and the founder of Zacaw Enterprises Inc., a U.S.-based marketing automation coaching and consulting company that works with businesses around the world. Dom’s all about helping small business owners and their teams step up their game—boosting success, productivity, and resilience by strengthening their mental fitness. Want to learn more? Check out