Stymied for content?

Marketing your business these days is all about the content you produce that’s valuable to your prospects and customers. Some days the content creation flows like an over-the-banks river, other days barely a trickle. I’ve got a free solution for you!
We use it all the time and, believe me, it’s saved our bacon a few times. Anything in the public domain is free to use, anytime, anyhow, anywhere. Some sources will request you give credit, and frankly that’s the respectful thing to do, in my opinion. After all, someone worked hard to create that content and you are benefiting from their efforts, expertise, and time.
If you want an example of ways to use a public domain book, go to and search for “Think and Grow Rich” to see how many variations there are of Napoleon HIll’s 1937 original masterpiece about business and success.
Then get creative. There are infinite ways to use public domain works. You don’t have to use it in its entirety.
Here are a few ideas that spring to mind:
- use just a piece of it as a finite piece of content
- add an image to your original content
- add the music to your video
- turn song lyrics into a poem
- make a coffee table book
- create a course
- co-opt an old ad image, with your copy
- re-publish a book, with your introduction and comments or workbook
- use it as a bonus with your product
The possibilities are as endless as your creativity. Using public domain works will spice up your content, and give extra value to the relationship you work so hard to create with your ideal prospects and customers.
Just remember to say thanks.
About public domain
National Archives
US Government Works
Search ‘public domain .gov’ for more resources
Sources for public domain works
- Smithsonian Institution Public Domain Images
- New York Times Public Domain Archives
- Project Gutenberg, a collection of public domain electronic books
- Google Books
- Librivox, public domain audio books
- Prelinger Archives; a vast collection of advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur films.
- Public Domain Films
- New York Public Library: public domain collections