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Articles in Category: Insights

Does ur time manage u?

Are you as crazy busy, day in, day out, as we are? Work, spending time with family, getting the yard ready for summer, hobbies, exercise, household chores, travel… shouldn’t there be more than 24 hours in a day?? Focus, organization, and productivity have a huge impact on our lives and even our peace of mind. Take a look at these 8 amazing apps and tools.

Start at the very beginning

If you are (or were) a fan of The Sound of Music, you might remember the lyrics: “Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.”

The same applies in your business.

Too many business owners make the mistake of developing their product or marketing strategy before doing the first critical step…

A Cookie and An Apple

In case you haven’t seen them, Cookie has done two iPhone commercials highlighting Apple’s “Hey Siri” functionality. I think they are very funny and very well done, but I love Cookie Monster (and cookies).

What makes these ads so cool…