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3 Reasons for Stress and How to Combat Them

How do you deal with stress? Do you just roll with the punches, or do you find yourself sick with worry? While there are many things that happen that we have absolutely no control over—traumatic events like disasters or violence or the death of a loved one— many of the things that cause us stress are the result of our own doing or thinking. Public speaking, for example, is probably the most prevalent fear, but it can be overcome with preparation, training, and practice. It's up to us in how we deal with our fears and other stressful situations.

Here are some common reasons people experience stress, and some ways to ease the anxiety:


How many times have you lain awake at night replaying a mistake you made over and over? It does us no good to worry about things that have happened in the past. You can't change it.

  • Ask yourself if there's anything you can possibly do to remedy the situation you're worrying about. Remember when dealing with other people that sometimes you just have to accept it's ultimately their life and you cannot change it, no matter how much advice, financial assistance, etc., you offer them.
  • If you're obsessing about something from the past, concentrate on the present. Pay attention to your breathing and the sensation of clothing touching your body. Listen to sounds in the room. Be in the present.
  • Remember Scarlett O'Hara's mantra: “I'll think about that tomorrow.” If you just can't seem to stop the negative thinking, give yourself 2-5 minutes to worry, then reschedule another 2-5 minute session for tomorrow.


Procrastinating can cause a lot of stress—but it's often caused by stress, too. You might feel overwhelmed by a task, for example.

  • Break projects down into steps, and set deadlines for each step. Phone reminders can be helpful for this.
  • Don't be afraid to ask others for help!


  • Listen to your inner dialogues—if you heard a friend or family member talking that way about themselves, what would you say to them?
  • Adopt the Japanese philosophy of wabi sabi, which embraces the beauty of imperfection. Our flaws are what make us unique.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. Remember that many of the images we see in the media are created to sell a product, not a representation of the real world. Try limiting your online time to ease some of your stressful feelings.

Changing your thinking and how you react to difficult situations can help you deal with your stress. But, if you are having a more difficult time than usual, or if stress is causing you to have health issues, please be sure to consult a professional.