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5 Podcasts for the Entrepreneur

As a business owner, you know just having information at your fingertips isn’t enough. It’s the right information at the right time that makes the difference. There are all sorts of ways to get this information— books, seminar and blogs just to name a few.

One of the ways you may not have considered is podcasts. If you’re not familiar with podcasts, they’re live streamed discussions on a variety of topics, usually with a moderator and one or more topical experts.

The quality can vary, of course. To save you the headache of scouring the Internet, here are 5 business podcasts that may be worth your time:

Mixergy Startup Stories. If you like a good story, this business podcast is for you. Hosted by Andrew Warner, the show features in-depth interviews with some of the top business leaders. These aren’t just fluff interviews either. Warner asks some tough questions and along the way hears some amazing, inspirational stories about how some of the biggest successes in business got their start. Mixergy produces high quality episodes and are also great about providing transcripts.

She Did It Her Way. When you think of a successful business person, the image that may come to mind is a steely-eyed, rugged man wearing a smart suit. Think again. If you’re looking for a woman’s perspective on growing a company, look no further than this program. Every week, they talk with a successful female entrepreneur and cover various topics that apply not only to top female business leaders, but to everyone looking to have a thriving business.

Youpreneur FM. If you want a successful company, you have to create a personal brand that customers can identify with, according to host Chris Ducker. And in this show he shows you how to do exactly that. It’s aimed at showing you how to put your personal stamp on your product or service. Ducker and his guests walk you through building your brand from the ground up, including creating products and marketing yourself.

Startups For The Rest of Us. You won’t find the engaging stories here that you might find in other podcasts. What you will find is a lot of practical tips on how to get your business started and how to market a great idea. Hosts Mike Taber and Rob Wailing provide a lot of ways new entrepreneurs can avoid making some common start-up mistakes. Why reinvent fire when you don’t have to?

The Struggling Entrepreneur. Let’s face it— running a small business has its share of ups and downs. If you’re facing one of those downs, there is a good chance someone else has been in your shoes. That’s exactly what this program is about: interviews with entrepreneurs who have faced tough challenges and overcome them. Though it’s on temporary hiatus, there is still plenty of archived content to explore.

Information is vital in today’s business climate, and these podcasts might be just what you need to have the right knowledge at the right time.