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5 Ways to Keep off the Holiday Pounds

Do you worry about weight gain when the holidays come around? Think about this: if you gained 5 pounds each year after indulging at holiday parties and family dinners, you could be 25 pounds heavier in five years.

Here are 5 ways to make sure those delicious meals and snacks don't lead to unwanted weight gain:

Party strategy. Do you look forward to all those wonderful treats at office parties and other holiday events? Try spoiling your appetite by eating something healthy before you go. If hors d'oeuvres at holiday parties are your downfall, avoid mindless nibbling by filling one plate and walking away. Focus on being social at events instead of eating; take photos, make new friends, or chat with those people you only get to see once a year.

Homemade goodies. A well-loved holiday tradition is baking. Look for low-calorie alternative recipes to your usual favorites. There are many substitutes that can be used in baking, such as using apple sauce in place of oil, that result in healthier treats that still taste great. Avoid overindulging on those wonderful treats by gifting most of your yield to family and co-workers, or by burying them deep in your freezer.

Shopping. When you're running around doing your holiday shopping, it's easy to become stressed, overwhelmed, and hungry! This time of year many stores offer food samples, or you may see their special once-a-year treats (like chocolate fudge - sigh!) which may result in a purchase you would rather do without. Prepare yourself beforehand by eating a good breakfast and bring along healthy foods for snacking. If you decide to stop for lunch while you're shopping, ask about soup-and-salad specials at your restaurant. They are often a healthier choice and usually very budget-friendly.

Family dinners. Maybe you have dreams of Mom's wonderful mashed potatoes this time of the year, but doesn't she make those mashed potatoes at every get-together? Why not limit yourself to only those foods that only make their appearance at the holidays? Other strategies you might try are choosing only foods that are red and green (think veggies, salsa), choosing foods that are not white (like breads, sauces), or making sure each food on your plate falls into a different category (crunchy, chewy, etc.).

Holiday blues. If you find yourself feeling down in the dumps during the holiday season and easy prey to splurging on cheesecake and ice cream, try taking care of yourself. Make sure you're getting plenty of sleep and exercise, and that your fridge is full of things that are good for you.

With a little forethought that holiday weight gain isn't inevitable. Enjoy your holidays!