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5 ways to Use Creative Expression to Create a More Balanced Life

There are times when those work responsibilities seem to take over, and it appears that you have no time for anything else. Depending upon your situation you may welcome added duties—it might mean your owner-operated business is doing great. But if your health suffers, or there are ruffled feathers at home because you've missed yet another family event, it's time to reassess your work-life balance.

Having some sort of creative outlet is the perfect way to insert some of that balance back in your life. Creating something not only reduces stress and lowers blood pressure, but it allows you to access the parts of your brain which increase concentration, imagination, and inspiration.

Pablo Picasso once said, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” So if you feel like you're getting dusty, here are some ways to add some creativity to your life:

Have you checked out a paint night event yet? These one-night events have been springing up all over the place. It’s pretty simple: an art teacher brings supplies to a local venue such as a bar or restaurant and participants are instructed on recreating a painting. Better yet, they’re able to bring home a completed work that same night. Whether you bring along friends, family members, or co-workers, or opt to just attend alone, this is great way to nudge your creative spirit.

Look at the parks and recreation department websites for your area. In many areas you can find classes in a variety of subjects, like pottery or guitar lessons. There are also day trips to museums and historical sites. Even a short hike in the park could give you inspiration for a poem or other artistic expression.

Poetry is cool again. Spoken word poetry, which can include hip-hop, jazz poetry, or poetry slams, is basically poetry that is meant to be said aloud. If this sounds like something you'd like to pursue, check out local coffee shops, open mic nights, college campuses, etc., for performances, or watch these TED talks for ideas.

Even if you can't find the time to play or learn an instrument, there is so much music in the world for you to discover, and it's such an easy way to fit some creativity into your day. Listen to a string quartet perform rock and pop songs or some funky percussion – whatever it is, try something new and different.

Who says coloring books are just for kids? Adult coloring books have been popping up everywhere - there are even apps for your phone. They’re a wonderful way to have some instant artistic creativity. You can grab a few books and some crayons or colored pencils and put them everywhere: the break room at the office, the coffee table at home, you name it.

Picasso also said, “The older you get the stronger the wind gets - and it's always in your face.” So do something now to get that precious balance back in your life.