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A Checklist for the Most Wonderful Christmas and the Happiest Hanukkah Ever

We wouldn't want to let the holidays go by without giving you some tips on how to make the most of this beautiful season. So without further ado:

  • Take some time each day to disconnect from the internet and connect with your loved ones.
  • Pick a day and declare it a snow day! Take a break from everything. (And if there really is snow, make a snowman!)
  • Don't forget to cozy up to a fire. If there's no fireplace to be had, there's always a video!
  • The holidays are a great time to reconnect with your older relatives. If your grandparents are no longer with you, why not adopt one or more at your local nursing home?
  • Volunteer for a local charity, or donate something. It's the season of giving after all.
  • Indulge in your favorite hot chocolate or other winter drink creations.
  • Read some classic literature.
  • Take turns reading a holiday favorite with friends or family.
  • Remember to take lots of photos.
  • Spread holiday cheer!
  • Don't take it personally when others aren't spreading holiday cheer. There's always a Scrooge in the crowd.
  • Be spontaneous! (For you control freaks out there, please plan a little spontaneity.)
  • Sing your favorite holiday songs.
  • Look online for the actual lyrics of your favorite Christmas or Hanukkah  songs and learn them.
  • Make something. Make something pretty or delicious or crazy or useful, or all of these things.
  • Go green during the holidays. Use real plates and tablecloths for parties, rather than disposable ones. Use e-cards. Make reusable gift wrap. Not only are you helping the planet, but these are those special touches that people appreciate.
  • Drag out those old board games and have some old-fashioned fun. Have you forgotten how to play the dreidel game? Here are some instructions.
  • Try something new. Visit a new shop in your area, sample a food you never thought you would try, watch a movie that's not your usual cup-of-tea. Don't close yourself off to new opportunities.

Above all, make the most of everything this holiday season—be safe and enjoy your family. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!