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Easy Ways to Add Fitness to Your Day

You know you should work out. Right?

We’ve all read the statistics about how it can make us more productive. You know it can help you be healthier and happier. You also know there’s another deadline coming up, you have a bunch of client meetings, and there isn’t a smidgeon of white space to be found anywhere on your schedule. 

I’ve discovered it’s actually surprisingly easy to add some fitness routines to your day during those ‘stolen moments’ that almost every day has in there somewhere. Here are a half dozen that sound pretty cool to test out:

The Desk Pushup. 

Take a few steps back from your desk, extend your arms and just do some simple pushups. You’ll strengthen your arms and shoulders, relieve the tension of some cramped muscles and maybe impress a coworker or two.

The Chair Dip.

Place your feet in front of your chair. With your hands firmly on the seat of the chair, slide your rear end off the front edge of the chair. Now just lower your body and you’ve got the chair dip. Straighten your arms back up, and right back in position to return to that pile of emails.

The Desk Squat.

Stand up straight with your feet together. Bend the knees slightly so the thighs are almost parallel to the ground, as if sitting in a chair. Hold for 15 seconds or so. As you bend, raise the arms straight up or towards the computer screen. Make sure to keep your knees together and aligned forward.

The Chair Crunch.

Bend your arms and hold them out in front of you as if you were gripping something. Tense your stomach muscles and lean down until your arms are resting on the tops of your thighs. Hold for 10 seconds and then release.

The Hamstring Curl.

While standing, bend arms at the elbow. Bring one foot up toward your rear end while straightening your arms down, so that your hands are down when your foot is up.

The “Magic Carpet Ride.”

Cross your legs on your chair. Place your hands on the arm rest of your chair and then life yourself up while keeping your legs crossed. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds or as long as you can and then release. Check the quality of your chair before you attempt this to determine if it can support your weight.

Even with these so-called ‘deskercises’ you can still injure yourself if you don’t properly stretch.  Here are some basic stretches to get you going:

  • Calf Stretch - Stand and lean into your desk with your heels on the floor. Bend your knees slightly to stretch your Achilles tendons.
  • Thigh Stretch - Sit on left edge of your chair or stand. Grab your left ankle and pull it upward toward your buttocks. Switch sides.
  • Arm and Shoulders - Pull your arm across your chest, hook your other arm around it and gently pull.

If deskercise isn’t for you, then try doing some things the old-fashioned way. Walk to see a coworker rather than send an email, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find any way you can to stay active. It can leave you feeling better, fitter and prepared to take on all those colored rectangles filling up your schedule.

I’m in. You?