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Keeping Cool in the Summertime

It doesn't matter that you're no longer a school child—the prospect of summer can still get you excited about the prospects of adventure: family reunions, school reunions, vacations, day trips, sports, you name it. But nothing can spoil a great time in the hot weather more than… well, the hot weather.

Here are some tips for taking care of yourself and your family this summer:

Sunburns are never fun, and if you've had five blistering sunburns in your life, you've doubled your risk for melanoma. You can prevent sunburn by applying sunscreen OFTEN, avoiding the mid-day sun, and wearing protective clothing, such as wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts. If you do get burned, it's recommended that you take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen, take a cool shower or soak the burned area in cool water, and apply an aloe or antibiotic cream to the area to soothe the skin.

When you're in the sun, particularly when you’re active, dehydration is a common occurrence. It can lead to illness, heatstroke and even death in some cases. Luckily it's an easy thing to prevent—drink plenty of water, try to avoid being out during the hottest times of the day, and seek shade whenever possible.

If you do notice that you or someone else is experiencing symptoms of dehydration (dizziness, dry mouth, nausea), get indoors and try to lower your body temperature with cool cloths. A trip to the emergency room to replace fluids intravenously may be required if it appears that the dehydration is severe.

If you're planning to exercise out of doors, be sure to prepare yourself by gradually acclimating yourself to the heat. Start out slow, perhaps only doing stretches and warm-ups for a few days, and increase your exercise time until you are used to the higher temperatures. Be sure to stay hydrated and seek shade whenever you feel you're getting overheated.

If you just aren't a hot weather person, there are still plenty of things you can do to get out of the house this summer. Find a shady spot along a creek or river and picnic or go fishing. Explore some caverns. Take in a movie in an air-conditioned theater. Enjoy a water park, sunbathe under a sprinkler, or even wash your car.

No air conditioner, no problem. Well, it still is a problem, but there are ways to be more comfortable in the meantime. Make some peppermint tea, refrigerate it, fill a spray bottle and spritz it on your skin. The menthol in the tea will help cool you off. Take cool baths or showers. Freeze some water bottles and place them between yourself and a fan to create a cool breeze. Store your sheets and pillowcases in plastic bags in your freezer till just before bedtime.  If all else fails, try these yoga tips.

Whatever your adventure, be cool and stay safe this summer!