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Mardi Gras from a Business Viewpoint

 Christmas and New Year’s Day have come and gone, and with them, the color, the celebration and the good feelings seem like they’ve gone as well. Now there is an endless stream of gloomy winter days in front of you.

If the winter doldrums are getting to you, maybe it’s time to consider closing up shop and getting away to the country’s biggest party this side of New Year’s Eve— that’s right, we mean Mardi Gras. Sounds great, right?

If only.

If heading south for the winter isn’t in the cards, why not bring the party to you? And better yet, help your customers celebrate too!

Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday” or “Shrove Tuesday”, is the last day of the Carnival season before Lent, which starts on Ash Wednesday. This year Mardi Gras falls on February 28th.

It is traditionally a time of eating rich, fatty foods before the fasting during Lent. Many countries, such as Belgium, Italy and Brazil, celebrate Mardi Gras in a big way, with parades, music celebrations and other entertainment. In the United States, New Orleans is famous for its over-the-top celebrations and is a popular tourist destination during Carnival.

Mardi Gras is an excellent opportunity to bring customers into your stores (virtual or actual) with celebrations of your own. Get together with local (or partner) businesses and have a party on your block. Hire a jazz band, hold a parade or have street performers in front of your shop. Decorate in gold, purple and green—balloons, streamers, banners, etc.

If you can't get other store owners to participate with you, go it alone—play loud music, put beads and masks on your employees (and website) and or any mannequins you might use for display. You can even offer prizes both for your customers and for your staff. In other words, you’re throwing a party since no else seems to be doing it.

From a business standpoint, the advantages are obvious. Chances are your customers are suffering the winter blues right along with you. Studies have shown that when people are feeling down they’re less likely to spend money. So give them a reason to feel happy. A celebration may be the perfect way to lift their spirits as well as lifting your sales during the dreary month of February.