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Memorial Day on a Budget

The three-day extravaganza known as Memorial Day Weekend marks the official beginning of summer. If you have the time off, there are endless possibilities for enjoying it, and many of them cost far less than you think.

Fun on a budget? Yes, it’s possible. If you’re still wondering what to do, here are some ideas to help you to kick off the summer season:

Take Some Time to Reflect. A three-day weekend doesn’t come around that often, so take a moment to catch your breath, set some goals for the rest of the year and figure out what’s worked for you and what hasn’t.

Get Away From the Rat Race. If you’re looking to do some reflecting, there’s no reason you have to do it at home. Why not get back to nature with an old-fashioned camping trip? If you’re on a tight budget, campgrounds will cost you significantly less than a hotel room. Pack inexpensive food like hotdogs, marshmallows, beans and bread for a more authentic camping feel.

Host a Potluck. Memorial Day is also the day many people haul out the grill and try out some of the savory new recipes. Instead of footing the bill for everything, why not try a potluck? You can even ‘host’ it outside at a local park to take advantage of the early summer weather.

Have a Chili Feast. Chili may not be the first thing that springs to mind in the summer, but it’s a less expensive alternative to the traditional barbecue. You can even combine it with the potluck idea for a ChiliFest, which lets everyone sample their friends’ and family’s unique blend of chili as well as spread the cost around.

Visit a Military Attraction. Whether it’s a famous site like Arlington National Cemetery in the nation’s capital, Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania or a lesser known site in your area, take the opportunity to view some history. For the budget conscious, many of these historical and battlefield sites are national or state parks with low entrance fees. Some of them even offer free admission on Memorial Day.

Eat Like a Patriot. With a new summer approaching, now might be the perfect time to try out some new (and yes, patriotic) foods. Red, White and Blue it up with some of these tasty treats, done up in classic American colors. Many of these are deserts rather than main courses, letting you add some patriotic pizzazz to your meal without breaking the bank.

Memorial Day Parades. Who doesn’t love a parade? If you live near or are planning to travel to the East Coast on Memorial Day, taking in a parade may be just the thing. Plus, the cost of admission is free. Some of the better known parades include the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C., the largest of its kind, as well as the smaller parades in New York City, Gettysburg, PA and Rockville, MD.

Above all, while you’re enjoying that hard-earned time off, remember the reason for the season. Memorial Day was originally intended as a day of mourning for those who had fallen in battle, so whatever activity you take on, take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices of those who made it possible.