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Our 3 Favorite Productivity Apps

24 hours. It seemed like an eternity when we were younger. As adults, we often wish there were more hours in the day. It always seems like there’s too much to do and too little time to get it done. It can seem like a daunting task to keep on track when there are deadlines everywhere we step. Fortunately, technology has given us the tools we need to keep the deadlines at bay. For every need, there is a productivity app to fill it. 

Here are 3 good ones that will leave you with more to-do time:

Carrot  Created by Apple, and billed as a ‘to-do list with a personality’, Carrot represents an evolution in productivity software. The software relies on the premise that many people inwardly resent to-do lists. The friendly reminder that you set up last week when you had plenty of time to finish the job, now becomes an annoying nag when you’re up against a deadline. The app is a merger of sorts between the traditional to-do list and video games. It comes with built-in animations, stories, and rewards for you when you complete the job you set for yourself. It also has less pleasant alternatives when you’re late or fail to complete your tasks. Carrot isn’t a comprehensive app, but it is an effective to-do list tool for people who generally don’t like to-do lists tools. 

Google Now  Available on your phone, tablet or online, Google Now is a virtual personal assistant that many people find indispensable. Want to know the current stock value of the company you’re preparing a sales presentation for, or what tomorrow’s weather will bring? Just ask Google. Want to set reminders so you don’t forget that important meeting next Thursday? Set up a calendar event with just a voice command. It also includes hands-free calling and talk-to-text for those times when you’re stuck in traffic. Remember the movies where the hero has a sidekick that always seems to have just the right information at just the right time? Google Now might not be Alfred to your Batman, but it’s the next best thing.

Trello  Need an app that lets you coordinate with a team so you can easily see what everyone else is working on and how far along they are? Fog Creek Software (now Trello Inc) believes they have the solution with their new app. Trello features a customizable main board that lets you design a workflow, set up tasks and then assign team members to those tasks. And it’s in real time. Make a change and your entire team is updated. The app was created to be scalable, so you can use it on a small cell phone or expand it to a giant wall screen. Simple, visual and easy-to-use, Trello is a productivity app designed with teams in mind.

Where and how you use your productivity apps is up to you, and will depend on the needs of your business. For more great productivity apps to help you get more done, check out this article at Infusionsoft’s Marketing Blog.