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Q1: Setting Goals, Strategies and Tactics for 2017

Wouldn't it be AWESOME if 2017 were your best year EVER? Now is the time to start planning for that success!

You need to have an action plan in place so starting the new year will be easy as pie. Decide which areas you should focus on. Will you develop a new product, work on improving your sales conversion system or find some new ways to get more people in the door? Once you have a goal in mind, decide what your criteria of success will be (how many customers came in the store, how many units of the new product sold, etc.) Finally, detail what action steps you'll need to accomplish these goals and then decide who will be in charge of them.

Now for the nitty-gritty… what are some specific actions you might want to look into doing in 2017?  Here are just a few to consider:

Make it easy on your site’s readers. If your information isn't easy to read— it's too long, not enough interesting images, too many aggravating pop-ups—the reader will simply move along.

No more sensational headlines. So many people have been disappointed by clickbaits like “you won't believe this shocking revelation!” that they are starting to avoid these links.

Have great content. Good content means you have something for your reader. The details of your night out with your friends might be entertaining, but unless you're sharing a review of the restaurant or the drink recipe you coaxed from the bartender, it's doubtful your readers will care. Always keep your audience in mind.

Images are great, video is better. Learn about Live Video on Facebook and create live content for your followers. How could this work for you? You could hold a live demonstration with more viewers than your store could hold, for one thing. Viewers can comment and ask questions in real time, which may help you to come up with solutions to many of your business's challenges.

Think about promotion strategies. Keep your customers in mind, figure out what they want and give it to them!

What about outsourcing? Think about hiring outside help for your marketing responsibilities if it seems like the payoff would be worthwhile.

If you can see it, you can do it. Have marketing calendars posted prominently so you are always thinking about what to do next.

Marketing for 2017 may seem high-tech and futuristic, but the fundamentals haven't changed for the last hundred years—if you keep your customers happy, your business will prosper.

Plan now for your success!