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Taxes down, revenue up!

Taxes down, revenue up!

Well, it is only a few days until we inaugurate Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. I don’t know where you stand, but I think that it going to be great having Mr. Trump as our President. Only time will tell. But let’s not waste it!

However, regardless of your feelings about President-elect Trump, I think that we can all agree that there will some significant changes from the past administration. We should have a much more pro-business atmosphere in this country with less pressure from the government on businesses. The way that this may be felt the most is the promised corporate and personal tax cuts.

Tax cuts are an instant increase in revenue without doing anything different. But why stop there? Why not use it as a springboard to pump up your revenue in which is likely to become the most pro-business environment in many years.

Add a new product, get some new customers, raise your prices, move into a new line of business (related or not). Add a new service. Last year, we added several new services such as our Infusionsoft & Marketing Mentoring Program and expanded some of our others.

Besides pumping up your business, if you need some advice on pumping yourself up, read Zack’z article in the this same Insights issue.

What are you planning for 2017 to grow your business and take advantage of the new promised corporate benefits?