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Thank You to our Clients

Everyone loves a sure thing. It always feels safer to sign on with the old established war horse than to take a chance with the new kid on the block. For those who took that leap of faith years ago, we thank you. Some need a little more convincing, and that’s fine. For those who signed on with us after we’d been around the block a few times, we thank you.

Our relationship with our clients is one of the many things we have to be grateful for. This year we'd like to a 16 BIG WAYS we appreciate you!

  1. Thank you for your curiosity. When you ask questions we know you're interested in the process, and often you help us think of ways we can do things better.
  2. Thank you for communicating clearly. When we know your expectations, we can provide you with better service.
  3. Thank you for not overreacting when there are minor setbacks.
  4. Thank you for the kind remarks we hear you say about us. A special thank you for the reviews and testimonials you write (or video) to share with others.
  5. Thank you for the criticism, since it lets us know how we can improve.
  6. Thank you for remaining loyal to our company.
  7. Thank you for telling us when you are satisfied with our services.
  8. Thank you for telling us when you have a problem with us. We'd like to remedy your issue as quickly as possible.
  9. Thank you for introducing us to new clients.
  10. Thank you for showing us respect in our business dealings.
  11. Thank you for inviting us to your events or letting us know about events we might be interested in.
  12. Thank you for telling us about your strategies, your business decisions, or your plans for the future. It's important for us to know exactly how your business works, and what kinds of changes we may need to make to serve you better.
  13. Thank you for being friendly and likable. It makes us feel fortunate to work with you.
  14. Thank you for quickly removing any road blocks when necessary. It really helps us help you.
  15. Thank you for being open minded when it comes to change.
  16. Thank you at our lame jokes. If we ever DO make a lame joke. It's not likely. We are funny.

Sixteen ways really aren’t enough to say thank you, but… well, you get the idea.

It’s been a great few years as we’ve learned and grown with you. So thank you again for those years and for all the great years to come!