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There’s a new builder in town

As of the October update of Infusionsoft, there will be a new default email builder for both broadcasts and campaigns. This new builder has been available for a while now but in a beta version. We’ve been using it since it became available, and it certainly has grown more and more capable over the months. But…

There are real advantages to switching all future emails to the new builder and perhaps even going back to some of your more used campaigns and redoing the emails in those as well. Let me tell you some of the reasons why. Before I do that, be aware that the new builder uses a whole new email construction paradigm from the old builder — what I call it, the builder we love to hate.

The primary reason why we standardized on the new builder while it was still in beta was that the emails it produces are responsive. If you are not familiar with the term, it simply means that the email will adapt itself to the size of the display it is being read on…phone, tablet, laptop, desktop.

Getting Started

Let’s start from the beginning of creating a new email. The first thing that you will see are a gallery of templates to choose from. Pick the closest one to your vision of the message you are trying to send. Don’t worry, you can change any or all of it…the templates are really intended to be eye openers to some design ideas.

If this is going to be a design that you will want to use in the future, make your modifications and use Action -> Save to My Templates… to save it so you can call it up for other emails.

Composing your email

After you pick your template, the builder comes up in Design mode….here is where you pick out the basic design features….you can leave them as is unless you are looking for a different style.

Once you finish with the design, the real fun begins… on Blocks on the far left.

While this is not meant to be a comprehensive tutorial on the new builder (Infusionsoft is much better at that than me), there are a few things I’d like you to try out.

The new builder is drag and drop and has up to 3 ‘columns’. Select any block….say a text block and drag it over to the email. In addition to being able to place the block over or under any other block, you can also place it next to an existing block to create up to 3 columns.

Check out the group block which combines an image, a text area and a button as one block. You might want to check out the new signature block. You can update it by going to your user page in Infusionsoft, adding a picture and filling in the information you want to show.

There is so much more, but you’ll learn most by playing with it and getting comfortable with how it behaves.

Bottom line

Are there a couple of features that the old builder did that this one cannot do yet? Yes! However, the new builder can do so much more than the old builder that I am happy to wait for those couple of features!

My advice to you….make the switch now and start using the new Infusionsoft email builder today! Yes, the legacy builder will still be there, but it won’t be available to new apps. So, learn the new builder and take advantage of the conversion tools to convert some of your popular campaign emails.