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Articles in Category: Insights

More Bang For Your Buck

More Bang For Your Buck

My granddaughter and I love to read a wonderfully illustrated children’s book (more on the book later) about a little boy whose grandfather once sewed him a special blanket. Over time, the beloved blanket grew worn and well-used. The disappointed little boy went to his talented grandfather who cut the blanket down and made the child a new coat.

Time went by and the coat became worn so the little boy took it to his grandfather who cut it down into… well, you get the drift. Eventually the grandfather only had enough cloth left to make a button for the boy.

Does ur time manage u?

Are you as crazy busy, day in, day out, as we are? Work, spending time with family, getting the yard ready for winter, hobbies, exercise, household chores, travel… shouldn’t there be more than 24 hours in a day?? Focus, organization, and productivity have a huge impact on our lives and even our peace of mind. Take a look at these 8 amazing apps and tools.

Change Your Diet to Increase Energy

Change Your Diet to Increase Energy

Feeling blah? Maybe it's the potato chips. Or the coffee. Yes, it really could be your diet. We have a tendency to first turn to caffeine when we're running low on energy, but then we can feel jittery and have that hard crash. Instead of coffee, try some green tea. There's still some caffeine content, but green tea contains an amino acid, L-theanine, which helps promote relaxation, so you won't get that jittery feeling.


FuseDesk helps you and your team WOW your customers with great service. Happy Customers stay with you longer, spend more, and spread the good word about your business.

FuseDesk was built for Your Business, Your Support Team, and Your Customers. With FuseDesk, it’s easy to get the key insights into how well your team is doing, delightful for the support team to use, and fast for customers to get care.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Tracking Your Metrics to Understand Your Results

Tracking Your Metrics to Understand Your Results

Entrepreneurs start businesses for a variety of reasons. They want to be their own boss, control their own schedule, and create the ideal workspace. They want to pursue a passion and feel more alive. They want to make more money and create job security.

Successful entrepreneurs start out with their own ideas for how things should be, but it usually doesn’t take long before they realize they’ll need input from others. Business has always been a partnership between the company and the customer. Not only do you want sales from your customers, but you also want their loyalty and referrals. The best way to achieve this is to acquire and analyze data pertaining to your customers’ interactions with your company and its products and services.

Wicked Reports

Wicked Reports


Powerful multi-touch marketing attribution software that gives you clear, actionable data tied to all marketing efforts. See where your best customers came from and find more. 

Move your ad spend optimization to reality-based decision making using real ad spend, conversions, and customer lifetime value. Stop wasting money on ad spend that doesn't convert, and scale your ad spend where it is converting.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.



JoomFuse has changed the rules of membership management. . . forever.

JoomFuse integrates your Joomla! website with your Keap to content access and membership status, hands-free for you!

Manage infinite levels of paid (or free) membership using JoomFuse to integrate the automation of Keap with the power of Joomla. You control who gets access to what content... and when. JoomFuse manages access and action triggers for you, driven by Keap tags. No more duct-taping third-party software programs to try to get what you need to manage your membership (subscription) programs. Now you can sleep at night knowing it's taken care of for you.

Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.

Start at the very beginning

Start at the very beginning

If you are (or were) a fan of The Sound of Music, you might remember the lyrics: “Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.”

The same applies in your business.

Too many business owners make the mistake of developing their product or marketing strategy before doing the first critical step…


Once Hub


Make more connections with an integrated scheduling platform

ScheduleOnce/OnceHub is a field-proven solution for powering online scheduling with your customers and prospects.

Solutions for every phase of the customer lifecycle


Check out others who we recommend - solid vendors and products that could benefit your business today.


5 Steps to Writing an E-Book for Your Business

5 Steps to Writing an E-Book for Your Business

Keeping your customers engaged is a priority, one you may spend an inordinate time obsessing over. Sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re on the right track when no one seems to be commenting on your blogs, subscribing to your video channel or signing up to get newsletters. 

Enter the e-book.

You may have seen an offer at one time or another on a website: “Order our free e-book now! Enter email address to receive free download!” Look how much those two sentences accomplish—something free! Exclamation marks make you feel like you should do it NOW! And they’ve instantly gotten your permission to sign you up for their catalog or newsletter. 

Laughter - The Best Medicine

Laughter - The Best Medicine

Laughing just feels good. When you laugh really hard, tears may fill your eyes and your stomach may hurt, but it stills feels good. Laughter is fun. Probably some of your best memories are of you and your friends or family laughing together. You always remember a funny movie or a really good joke that made you laugh out loud. Laughter brings joy to your life.

Teaching Kids about Money

Teaching Kids about Money

It's never too early to start teaching your children about money. Even preschoolers can begin to understand money concepts by playing pretend store or restaurant games. 

Money lessons for five-year-olds

At age five, you can teach your child words like savings, bank, check, bills, and trade-off. A piggy bank is an easy way to demonstrate how the child can save for something that he or she really wants. Make a game of it; count the coins once a month, and create a chart showing how close they are to their goal.