The calendar year may be slowly winding down, but that doesn’t mean your business is. Your year has probably seen its share of ups and downs, where certain aspects of the plans you laid out back in January have exceeded your wildest expectations, while other things… well, they didn’t quite go the way you imagined.
Now that Q4 is drawing near, you’ll want to finish the year strong. How will you do that? You need a plan. More specifically, you need a great one that includes certain key elements.
on Thursday, 15 August 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
It’s no secret that Q4 is rapidly approaching. What that means to you and to your business will vary depending on what industry you’re in, but regardless of how important Q4 is to you, there’s no point in letting an entire quarter of the year go to waste. Even if it’s not normally a time for huge sales and a major marketing push, it doesn’t mean you have to go into your shell. Here are some things you should be doing before Q4 lands in your lap.
on Thursday, 01 August 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
Communication is something we do so instinctively that we often take it for granted. We shouldn’t. One of the keys to being successful in business is not only communicating, but communicating effectively. That’s doubly true when it comes to your employees. You’ll find all sorts of books and articles on what to say to them, but just as important is what you DON’T say.
on Thursday, 25 July 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
Effective leaders come in all shapes and sizes. There are loud, bold leaders who make headlines seemingly on a daily basis and there are quiet leaders who are content to let others bask in the limelight. Despite their differences in approach, one thing many of these effective leaders have in common is a set of behaviors that help them achieve success and then sustain it no matter what path they walk. Here are 7 of those behaviors:
on Thursday, 18 July 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
Many people say seven is a lucky number. There were seven wonders of the ancient world and there are seven rows on the periodic table. Even ladybugs have gotten into the act with seven spots on their backs. Seven is also a great number when it comes to communication, which is the focus of our series for July (the seventh month, by the way). To kick things off, we’ll take a look at your employees, more specifically, how to keep them happy.
on Thursday, 04 July 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
You really can’t talk about social media without talking about Facebook. Sure, many people think tweeting is more hip and LinkedIn might seem more professional, but outside of email no platform can beat Facebook for sheer accessibility. There are tons of people who firmly believe that tweeting is best left for the birds, but they won’t go far without their trusty Facebook feed. Before you rush out to make use of this powerful tool, here are 6 things to understand about it:
on Thursday, 20 June 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
Love it or hate it, social media is here to stay. It can be an unruly beast at times, but if you want to be successful in business, it’s a beast you must learn how to tame. Should you invest in a bullwhip and a sturdy chair like the lion tamers of old? No, this is the twenty-first century. Instead here are six ways you can soothe the savage beast and maybe save your furniture.
on Thursday, 13 June 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
Nature likes the number six. Insects, one of the most common forms of life, have six legs. Carbon, the element present in all living matter, has the atomic number 6. The factors of 6 (1, 2 and 3) add up to six. Mathematically, this makes 6 the first perfect number.
In other words, the number 6 has a lot going for it.
Since June is also the sixth month of the year, it makes it a great time to start our social media series. To kick things off, we’ll talk about 6 social media platforms you should be aware of in 2019.
on Thursday, 06 June 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy