As any writer worth their keystrokes will tell you, words have power. The right words in the right place and time can have tremendous impact. That’s certainly true when you’re writing copy. You want to set the scene for your audience and invite them to find out more. You want to tell a story, but unlike a novelist, you don’t have pages and pages to get your audience’s attention. To do that your copy will need to be many things, but most of all magnetic. Here’s how:
on Thursday, 04 April 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”
~ P.T. Barnum
As a small business owner, you’re good at what you do. You wouldn’t be in business for long otherwise. You know you’re good, your staff knows you’re good, but outside of your company and maybe your community, how many other people know how good you are? That’s one of the key aspects of a successful business. It’s not enough to be good. You have to let everyone else know you’re good. That’s where good PR comes in.
on Thursday, 28 March 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
We’ve all read about great leaders. Maybe they were historical figures like George Washington or Martin Luther King, Jr. They may have been captains of industry like Henry Ford, influential politicians like Margaret Thatcher or sports legends like Michael Jordan. Even though their styles differed, all of these men and women were leaders.
on Thursday, 21 March 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
“All work and no play makes Jack dull boy.”
~ Old Proverb
You’ve probably looked at the mountain of work piled up on your desk and thought about how great a vacation would be. Perhaps you’ve wistfully looked at a travel brochure of a tropical sunset or a majestic mountain top and wished you were there. It’s a common dream, but like most of us, you sadly put the travel brochure away and get back to the grind.
on Thursday, 14 March 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
You may be excited about coming in and getting some quality work done in the office, but that doesn’t mean your back is. Sure, you’ll cut through those sales spreadsheets and the monthly expense reports like a hot knife slicing through warm butter, but your back…?
Well, it will have to face the brutal gauntlet of your office chair and the angle of your desk, and that’s just for starters. Needless to say, the day probably won’t be a picnic for your wrists, neck and feet either. Fortunately, with a few simple ergonomic tricks, a productive day in the office doesn’t have to be a painful one.
on Thursday, 28 February 2019.
Posted in Life & Lifestyle
As a business owner, you already know the importance of holiday marketing and how it can impact your bottom line. And even better, when it comes to holidays, much of the work is already done for you, since each of the major holidays already has an established mood and color scheme. You can, and absolutely should, use these special days in your marketing campaign.
on Thursday, 21 February 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy
The essential idea behind any business is pretty simple. You’ve got something you think somebody will want and all you have to do is convince them to pay you to get it. That is the focus of most businesses, and over the years various companies have tried just about everything under the sun to convince the public to part ways with its hard-earned money. There have been sales of all sorts, gimmicks, celebrity appearances and multi-million dollar ad campaigns to name just a few. Some of them have been successful, some not.
on Thursday, 14 February 2019.
Posted in Business Strategy